Saturday, 29 March 2014

Gabrielle Aplin

You may not have heard of this wonderful singer but I, as pea 2, want you to be introduced. So a little bit of background first I think. Gabrielle Aplin is 21 years old, pretty young don't you think, she has released 1 album (English Rain) and is most well known for her John Lewis advert. Please don't just judge her on the John Lewis ad though because both pea 1 and I think that that song makes her voice sound a tad boring. Now, however I have seen the error of my ways and I now love her voice because it's so clear and she sounds like a real life Disney princess. I have decided to tell you my top 5 songs just so you can get started with her music.
1. Home
2. November rain
3. Salvation
4. Panic Chord
5 Ghosts
The last song isn't actually on the English Rain album but I have linked the songs all to YouTube so hopefully you can find them easily. I will leave you with her website address so you can check her out.
I know that this was a short post but I hope you still enjoyed it !
Lots of Love
Pea 2

Monday, 17 March 2014

Top 5 Music Recommendations (At The Moment)

1. The Pretty Reckless
I know I'm really behind with this, but I only just discovered this band (thanks to Chyaz) and am completely in love with their songs. Some of my favourites are 'Miss Nothing', 'You', and 'Make Me Wanna Die' (not as depressing as it sounds). It may not be for everyone, but I love that they really are rock and their songs are just loud and fun and very addictive - I can't stop listening to Miss Nothing

2. Fall Out Boy
They've really made an amazing comeback and have loads of great new songs, my favourite at the moment being 'My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark'. They do have a bit of a different sound to before as it is a little more polished. Some people think it is a little too over-produced and electronic for their style, but I loved their music before and I still do.

3. The Vamps
I think their songs are just really cute and fun and make you feel happy so...yeah :P

4. Taylor Swift
Love her or hate her, there is no denying that she really is a versatile artist, and her Red album has a song for just about any mood, so there really is something for everyone. I think some people underestimate her because they are only familiar with songs like '22' and 'We Are Never Getting back together' and think that she just makes songs like that, when really she does everything from rock to country to ballads.

5. Avril Lavigne
I know there are maybe more people out there who don't like Avril than people who do, but I think people also underestimate her and judge her by her more well-known (and sometimes annoying, I admit) songs. However, I think that she really shows what she can do as an artist on Under My Skin, which is definitely my favourite album of hers.

I hope this list has given you some ideas of some artists you could listen to if you haven't already!

Lots of Love, 
Pea One ;)